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Profinet Gateway for remote I/O

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Profinet Gateway for remote I/O

Profinet Gateway for remote I/O
The LB Profinet gateway delivers conventional Profinet functionality and full access to all connected Hart devices Picture: Pepperl + Fuchs
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With the LB Profinet gateway, Pepperl+Fuchs is connecting LB remote I/O systems to the Profinet world. End-to-end communication also ensures optimal use of existing intelligence in the field, representing a crucial step toward making plants suitable for future requirements and Industry 4.0. The LB Profinet gateway delivers not only conventional Profinet functionality, but also full access to all connected Hart devices. In practical terms, this will give users access to Hart auxiliary variables as a second measuring value in addition to process variables. Furthermore, the diagnostic data from the field devices can be read out via Hart IP, thus significantly increasing transparency and plant availability. The gateway also offers maximum flexibility since different protocols can run via the same cordset (e.g., Profinet and Hart IP), and, of course, it represents a high-performance solution: up to 80 field devices can be connected to a fully occupied remote I/O system. These devices communicate without a time delay.

Another highlight of the gateway is the intelligent redundancy concept. An integrated switch ensures the functionality of the network at all times based on the medium redundancy protocol (MRP). If a line fails, the ring network is reconfigured to send the data packets via the alternative route. Since the potential for hazards increases as a result of big data being used alongside increased networking of industrial plants, the gateway also fulfills the appropriate safety requirements.


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