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Process control system ensures safe plants

Security cells protect against cyber threats
Process control system ensures safe plants

Process control system ensures safe plants
To protect plants from hackers they are divided into security cells Picture: B&R
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To protect manufacturing systems against cyberattack, B&R has enhanced the user management features of the Aprol process control system. Distributed, autonomous security cells provide simple yet efficient protection for systems against malicious software and attacks from hackers. To achieve maximum protection, the manufacturing system must first be divided into autonomously functioning process cells. These consist of production-relevant zones, sections, sub-areas or subsystems. One or more of these process cells are then combined into security cells. The flexible client/server architecture of Aprol allows up to 64 of these security cells.

The advanced multi-runtime server architecture of the Aprol process control system ensures that all required systems operate independently.

B&R Industrie-Elektronik GmbH, Bad Homburg, Germany

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