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Motors for high thrust pump applications

Instrumentation & Automation
Motors for high thrust pump applications

Motors for high thrust pump applications
Motors for high thrust pump applications

Expanding its extensive range of Simotics low-voltage Nema motors, Siemens adds in-line, vertical solid shaft (VSS) motors to its portfolio in the Nema Premium efficiency class. The Simotics DP LP100 series was specifically designed to address high thrust vertical pump applications while fulfilling the US Nema standard MG-1. These state-of-the art vertical solid shaft motors have a full cast iron enclosure that cannot corrode, and low vibration levels. The motors set themselves apart as a result of their innovative design, which has also allowed the thrust capability to be increased, within the same design, by up to 175 % when compared to conventional motors. The motors can be offered in compliance with or even surpass API610 and IEEE841 standards.
Hall 10, Booth A40
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