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Monitoring corrosion and erosion

Wireless transmitters in a digital ecosystem
Monitoring corrosion and erosion

Monitoring corrosion and erosion
The Plantweb Insight non-intrusive corrosion application provides understanding of the condition of the assets Picture: Emerson

Emerson has introduced a corrosion and erosion monitoring portfolio with digital capabilities and full integration with the Plantweb digital ecosystem. The monitoring portfolio turns existing offline corrosion probes into online tools to monitor for the risk of corrosion or erosion in oil and gas processing. The Plantweb Insight Non-Intrusive Corrosion application enables corrosion and erosion analysis at the end-user’s desk. Combined with non-intrusive Rosemount Wireless Permasense sensors for monitoring metal thickness, which is a major factor in determining the health of piping and other fixed equipment, Emerson now offers a comprehensive solution to monitor both the risk of corrosion or erosion. The Rosemount 4390 series of corrosion and erosion transmitters leverage Wirelesshart for reliable and robust data retrieval and work with inline probes that measure the corrosive and erosive nature of the fluid. The Plantweb Insight Corrosion applications allow users to access and analyse data from pipe thickness monitoring sensors and inline probes at their desk and gain real-time advanced analytics to assess the risk and impact of corrosion or erosion on the asset or plant.

Emerson Automation Solutions, Langenfeld, Germany

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