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Mass flow and inline concentration

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Mass flow and inline concentration

Mass flow and inline concentration
An all-in-one portfolio for process measurement Picture: Anton Paar

Anton Paar is presenting its portfolio of measuring devices (photo), which are used for measuring density, viscosity and rheology and dissolved CO2, as well as flowmeters for mass flow and inline concentration. It also offers a new generation of process sensors that minimize production and maintenance costs, and more.

The L-Cor mass flowmeter, for example, covers a wide range — from as low as 0.4 g/min to 1,400 metric tons per hour. It can be used for micro-dosing applications, where precision is paramount for handling fragrances, to large-volume custody transfer measurements, where accuracy is critical for seamless transactions involving substantial quantities.

Another example is concentration and density measurement. Whether it’s for density, sound velocity or refractive index, Anton Paar says it is the only company that offers all three methods for inline concentration measurement of liquids on one platform. Users can easily integrate all of these process sensors into their existing measuring processes. Solutions are also available for two- or three-component mixtures. Products and phases can also be identified with high precision sensors.

The Brabender Convimeter delivers in-line viscosity measurement and process control for the production and development of liquids and pastes. Monitor viscosity seamlessly throughout your production process and receive comprehensive data. Make informed decisions by adjusting process parameters in real time based on accurate viscosity properties. Employ a single system for a diverse range of materials, accommodating varying viscosities with ease.

Anton Paar

Hall 11.1, Stand B3

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