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Level switches for all silo types

Increased safety in solids application
Level switches for all silo types

Level switches for all silo types
The vibrating fork, paddle, capacitance and vibrating rod switches within the Rosemount level switch range ensure reliable monitoring of solid materials Picture: Emerson
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Emerson has introduced a range of Rosemount solids level switches designed to optimise operations, increase safety and reduce waste. The vibrating fork, paddle, capacitance and vibrating rod switches within the range ensure reliable monitoring of solid materials such as powders, grains and pellets in all silo types across industries. The switches can be used to provide stand-alone point level monitoring to help optimise filling and emptying cycles. They can also be deployed within an overfill prevention system. In applications involving light, fine-grained and powdered materials where high measurement sensitivity is required, Rosemount 2511 and 2521 vibrating fork switches provide a cost-effective solution. Atex certification permits installation in explosive areas, and all wetted parts are made from corrosion-resistant stainless steel. The 2501 rotary paddle switch for example can be used as a full, demand or empty detector in storage silos or process vessels and the 2555 capacitance switch can be installed in pipes.

Emerson, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

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