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Level switch with IO-Link

Instrumentation & Automation
Level switch with IO-Link

Level switch with IO-Link
Cleverlevel level switch from Baumer with IO-Link enables seamless communication and continuous automation Picture: Baumer

LBFH and LBFI level switches from Baumer are now available with IO-Link and Atex approval. The communication interface enables each application to be configured using standard network components. This ensures error-free duplication of the system and device replacement without the need for additional programming, thereby saving time. Diagnostic data can be called up and evaluated at any time, which increases system availability. Just like their predecessors, LBFH and LBFI level switches meet the criteria for Atex categories 1 and 2 for gas and dust. The reduced current consumption of their more advanced electronics means that commercially-available standard barriers can now be used in addition to the Baumer barriers. Both variants are suitable for use in temperatures up to 135 °C while the variant for hygiene applications also has SIP capabilities.


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