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Intelligent infrastructure plug-in connector

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Intelligent infrastructure plug-in connector

Intelligent infrastructure plug-in connector
The smart plug-in connector is located within the connecting line where it measures various electrical values and transmits these, e.g. to an app, cloud or to ERP or Scada systems Picture: Weidmüller
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The development of plug-in connectors is influenced by three trends: digitalisation, decentralisation and miniaturisation. In decentralisation, increasing numbers of functions in the industrial environment are shifting to the device and field level, meaning that there will be an increasing demand for a comprehensive connection between devices along the horizontal and vertical axes of the automation pyramid. This also includes supplementation with intelligent functions. Integrating sensor and diagnostic functions directly into the connectors opens up completely new application fields and renders additional sensors superfluous. Measured variables like current, voltage, power and temperature can be measured, as well as saved and evaluated with an app, an ERP/SCADA system or a cloud. Weidmüller developed such an intelligent plug-in connector. The smart connector was created as part of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funded project: “Intelligent electric plug-in connector and connection technology with electronic signal processing (ISA)”.


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