Sopat develops and distributes a photo-optical, image-based inline analytical measurement technique that quantitatively characterizes particulate multiphase systems. The company’s software enables real-time analysis of particle-size and shape distributions. Measurements are made inline while the process is running, so no sampling or dilution is required. Direct optical access to the product makes it possible to differentiate between different particle types, such as bubbles, droplets, solids, crystals, biological cells and so on, using various image-analysis methods. Sopat produces customized systems that enable early detection of trends and efficient process optimization. This not only helps to increase product quality, but also leads to cost reductions due to time saved, less energy consumed and the minimization of off-specification of batches. Sopat’s portfolio includes probes that measure particle sizes in the range of 0.5 to 50,000 µm. For hazardous areas, the company also provides ATEX-certified equipment.
Hall 11.1, Stand F25