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Humidity measurement moves to the cloud

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Humidity measurement moves to the cloud

Humidity measurement moves to the cloud
With the Jade Smart Cloud system humidity measurement data can be viewed on the go Picture: Vaisala
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Vaisala launches a cloud-based monitoring system for humidity measurements. Mobile measurement data provides efficiencies in applications where real-time humidity and temperature monitoring translates to saved money. With the Jade Smart Cloud system data can be viewed on the go; on a mobile device, such as mobile phone or tablet, and on a PC or laptop. Cloud-based monitoring makes the actual operations more efficient, as time is no longer wasted in setup and pairing of hardware with software, or frequent visits to the various measurement sites. In addition to streamlined work, the system brings benefits in terms of providing regular automated software updates without any downloads, and increased collaboration by making it easy to share live or stored data with colleagues and customers. The system consists of CWL100 wireless dataloggers with probes, a CA10 access point and the Jade Smart Cloud software license.

Vaisala Oyj, Vantaa,Finnland

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