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Hot block for open-vessel digestion

High temperature homogeneity of ±1 °C
Hot block for open-vessel digestion

Hot block for open-vessel digestion
Anton Paar has launched a laboratory hot block for the acid digestion, evaporation, and concentration of samples Picture: Anton Paar
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Well-known for its microwave-assisted digestion instruments, Anton Paar has now launched a laboratory hot block for the acid digestion, evaporation, and concentration of samples. Multicube 48 comes with pre-installed and customisable methods and complies with standard methods such as EPA 3010a, 3020b, 3050b, and 3060 for solid waste and EPA 200.2, 200.7, 200.8, 200.9, 245.1, and 365.1 for water. The new hot block combines an easy workflow and operation with Anton Paar precision. High temperature homogeneity of ±1 °C over the whole block guarantees the same digestion quality for all samples. The disposable low-cost vials with lowest metal blanks eliminate the risk of external contamination.

The Multicube 48 vials can be used for weighing and digesting, storing digested solutions, and as volumetric flasks for filling up the samples to the appropriate volume. The vials are fully compatible with autosamplers for metal analysis by F-AAS, GF-AAS, ICP-OES, or ICP-MS.

Anton Paar, Graz, Austria

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