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High-temperature diaphragm seal

For process temperatures up to 450 °C
High-temperature diaphragm seal

High-temperature diaphragm seal
Wika has tailored a new diaphragm seal to applications with very hot media. Type 990.45 is suitable for temperatures up to 450 °C Picture: Wika

The high-temperature diaphragm seal type 990.45 is used in refineries, among other places, for precise measurement even at high process temperatures. It is combined with a capillary and a standard measuring instrument to form a measuring system without any additional cooling element. Its lower body including flange connection is made of a single piece, which minimises the risk of leakage. Customised seals simplify the connection of the diaphragm seal to the respective process. The instrument can be equipped with fixtures for a lifting aid. This makes it easy to move and install. In addition, a flushing connection integrated in the lower body allows the diaphragm seal to be cleaned without prior dismantling.

WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG, Klingenberg, Germany

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