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High resolution oxygen sensor

Designed for signal stability and long operational lifetime
High resolution oxygen sensor

High resolution oxygen sensor
The PO2ES-103D is lead free and is conform to recent RoHS/Reach directives Picture: Pewatron
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Pewatron’s PO2ES-103D is a rugged electrochemical cell with a weak acid electrolyte that can easily be adapted into the application. The lifetime of the cell exceeds 1200000 %Vol O2 hours and the end of life (EOL) is easy to detect. The sensor is lead-free and is conform to recent RoHS/Reach directives. Most industrial requirements for oxygen sensors call for a low-drift baseline, signal stability and ease of calibration. The basic PO2ES-103D sensor has a build-in 16 bit AD converter that delivers a highly stable, temperature independent signal with a resolution 100 ppm. The drift is less 1 % per month, averaged over 12 months. The PO2ES-103D sensor has a zero baseline 1500 ppm O2 and very stable, making it suitable for controlled atmosphere applications in a range from a few hundred ppm O2 and higher.

Pewatron AG, Zurich, Switzerland

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