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Glass-free pH sensors

Unbreakable and with improved CIP stability
Glass-free pH sensors

Glass-free pH sensors
Memosens CPS77D, the pH sensor for the food and life science industries, offers six times greater CIP stability than other Isfet sensors Picture: Endress+Hauser
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The Isfet sensors made of unbreakable Peek from Endress+Hauser offer high product safety, accuracy and improved CIP stability. The sensors made of unbreakable Peek are available with three different reference systems. The Isfet sensors Memosens CPS47D and CPS77D are perfectly equipped to meet the strict demands of hygienic applications. Thanks to their design with an increased chip surface, they are even easier to clean than their predecessors. They deliver stable and reproducible measured values, even after sterilisation and autoclaving up to temperatures of 135 °C, come with USP, EHEDG and 3A approval, and are TSE-/BSE-free. They can outlast at least 25 CIP cycles and have therefore significantly improved CIP stability . In addition, the Memosens CPS77D offers maximum bacteria tightness thanks to its microporous ceramic diaphragm.

Even at low temperatures, Isfet sensors such as the Memosens CPS97D have a fast response time and are chemically stable thanks to their Peek stem. Also, their open diaphragm means that they do not become clogged even in the case of high solids concentrations.

Endress+Hauser AG, Reinach, Switzerland

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