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Enclosures for Zones 1 and 21

Using sensors in hazardous areas
Enclosures for Zones 1 and 21

Enclosures for Zones 1 and 21
GR enclosure series with type of protection Ex e Picture: Pepperl+Fuchs
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Pepperl+Fuchs is now offering more and more customised solutions for zones 1 and 21 that feature sensor technology from factory automation and can be used in a huge range of applications. Sensors from Pepperl+Fuchs are housed in pressure-resistant enclosures, allowing processes to be further automated even under harsh conditions.

The GR series of GRP enclosures caters perfectly to the needs of electrical installation in process plants. The products are designed to offer maximum flexibility for a wide range of applications. The mounting grid makes the additional mounting base obsolete, while also enabling terminals and switching elements to be planned and installed quickly and easily. It also means that any DIN mounting rails can be mounted using self-tapping screws. An innovative spacer system allows components to be installed at different levels within the enclosure. Different enclosure sizes and depths ensure that the enclosure series with IP 66 expanded silicone seal offers high flexibility. The series can be used in environments up to -60 °C in zones 1/21 and zones 2/22.

Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH, Mannheim, Germany

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