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Dual-sensor functionality

Instrumentation & Automation
Dual-sensor functionality

Dual-sensor functionality
With the T32.XS temperature transmitters, Wika has further enhanced the concept behind the classic T32.10/T32.30 instruments. Both the measurement and functional characteristics have been optimised. Two independent Pt100/TC sensors can be connected to the temperature transmitter. The availability of the measuring point is increased through the instrument’s automatic redundancy switching. In addition, the T32.XS offers diagnostic capabilities with its integrated drift detection, combined with extended error signalling. Corrosion monitoring in accordance with Namur NE89 is also included. Convenient functions, such as the compatibility with almost all open software and hardware tools, as well as international approvals for applications in hazardous areas set the T32.XS apart. Another feature that comes in handy is the compatibility of the transmitter with existing software modules. The T32.1S head-mounting transmitter comes with additional terminals for the Hart communication.

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