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Digital wiring plan pocket for operation

Digital twin for enclosures
Digital wiring plan pocket for operation

Digital wiring plan pocket for operation
With ePocket, the cloud-based, digital wiring plan pocket, Eplan and Rittal provide a home for equipment and system documentation, including a digital twin Picture: Rittal

Thick paper folders with machine and plant documentation in the enclosure have had their day. Eplan and Rittal present with ePocket the digital wiring plan pocket in the cloud. So that this workflow functions, every single member of the VX25, VX SE, AX and KX enclosure range will have its own place in the Eplan Cloud. The owner can access the equipment and system documentation, including a digital twin, in the Eplan Cloud via a QR code on the enclosure. The benefits increase if the owner gives other players an insight into the latest documentation. For employees in service and maintenance, for instance, this means that they can easily access the circuit diagrams directly on the system with a smartphone or tablet using the integrated Eplan eView function. This ensures quick troubleshooting in the event of repairs and maintenance. From now on, the digital twin accompanies the real enclosure throughout its entire life cycle.

Rittal GmbH, Herborn, Germany

Hall 11, Booth E6

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