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Digital total pressure vacuum gauges

With Profinet and Ethercat interfaces
Digital total pressure vacuum gauges

Digital total pressure vacuum gauges
Pfeiffer Vacuum capacitance gauges Picture: Pfeiffern Vacuum
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Pfeiffer Vacuum has added additional options to the Digiline range of digital total vacuum pressure gauges to keep abreast of changes in market requirements. This means that Digiline is now also available with the industrial Ethernet interfaces Profinet and Ethercat. In comparison to conventional fieldbuses, these offer the advantage of very fast data rates and a significantly higher number of participants, which makes them an important factor in implementing Industry 4.0.

In addition, the capacitance gauge types, CCT, which were previously supplied only with an analogue output, are now also available in the Digiline series. These high-precision measurement instruments can be used independently of the type of gas, and find applications in the precise control of coating processes, for example, as well as in freeze drying and in calibration laboratories. The tried-and-tested ceramic technology in the CCTs has the advantages of good chemical resistance and a very low zero point deviation. The CCTs are available as a temperature-compensated version and a 45 °C heated version.

Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH, Asslar

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