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Digital float switch with PNP/NPN signal

Instrumentation & Automation
Digital float switch with PNP/NPN signal

Digital float switch with PNP/NPN signal
The float switch GLS-1000 detects the level of liquids with an accuracy of ≤ 1 mm Picture:  Wika
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Wika has launched a float switch with a PNP/NPN output signal. The model GLS-1000 detects the level of liquids with an accuracy of ≤ 1 mm. The digitised float measuring principle of the level switch is implemented using semiconductor sensors. These enable an unlimited number of switching cycles. Users can define up to four switch points with a minimum distance of only 2.5 mm. Thus the instrument reacts to even the smallest changes in level. At the same time, the GLS-1000 can monitor the temperature of the medium via a temperature output with a Pt100/Pt1000 resistance.


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