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Diaphragm seals for high temperatures

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Diaphragm seals for extreme heat

Diaphragm seals for extreme heat
M&G diaphragm seals protect instruments not only from high temperatures, but also from corrosive chemicals and pressure peaks Picture: Ametek

Testing and measuring pressure at high temperatures is a challenge for many companies. For example steam may require instruments that stand up to temperatures far above typical ranges. The M&G diaphragm seals from Ametek STC provide a barrier between the heated pressure source and the advanced instrumentation. Adding this barrier allows companies to use their instrumentation of choice rather than only those capable of direct high-temperature connections. The M&G Type E Diaphragm Seal includes a temperature rating up to 250 °F or 121 °C and supports pressure up to 5000  psi (345 bar). Its all-welded, 316L stainless steel construction contains no gaskets or bolting, removing the most common leak points. In addition to protecting instruments from high temperatures, diaphragm seals also protect against caustic chemicals and pressure spikes.

Ametek STC, Allerød, Denmark

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