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Central processing unit with high scalability

Modular and flexible
Central processing unit with high scalability

Central processing unit with high scalability
The central processing unit of the Varitron 500 automation system proves itself with its high degree of scalability Picture: Jumo
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A new hardware and software platform is being used in the Jumo Varitron 500 central processing unit. During its development, scalability had the highest priority. The result is modular, flexible, and, above all, sustainable. The basis of the Varitron 500 is a hardware platform with an 800 MHz processor which can be used as a single, dual, or quad core variant depending on the application.

The software has a modular structure based on a Linux platform and enables scalability for performance, memory, and interfaces. Another special feature is a customer-specific configu-ration and process data editor. Several operator stations can be integrated into the system via Codesys Targetvisu or Codesys Webvisu as well as up to 64 intelligent connection modules.

In the future, Jumo will provide visualisation libraries for individual customer-specific operation via Codesys Targetvisu or Codesys Webvisu. Flexibility is also made possible by the integration of all important fieldbus systems via Codesys, such as Modbus RTU or TCP master and slave, Profinet IO controller, Ethercat master, and OPC UA server. A Profinet IO device interface will allow an alternative connection to higher-level control systems via Modbus TCP.

JUMO GmbH & Co. KG, Fulda, Germany

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