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Advanced data analytics

Expanded Support for Oil & Gas Industry
Advanced data analytics

Advanced data analytics
Seeq’s expanded support for oil & gas industry data storage systems enables advanced analytics and faster data-based decision making Picture: Seeq

Seeq announces the availability of connectors to Cygnet enterprise Scada and WITSML (Wellsite Information Transfer Markup Language) data storage systems. Seeq’s set of applications for analysing process manufacturing data include Workbench for easy to use advanced analytics, Organiser for publishing insights in reports and dashboards, and Data Lab for accessing Python libraries.

According to Cygnet, their Scada platform is designed specifically for the oil and gas industry, provides a quick launch that reduces deployment time, saves implementation costs, reduces IT project risk, and delivers a fast time to value. Customers using Seeq together with Cygnet will be able to achieve faster insights with predictive, diagnostic, and descriptive analytics.

Seeq Corporation, Seattle,USA

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