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Transmitters for proactive plant monitoring

Energy & Environment
Transmitters for proactive plant monitoring

Transmitters for proactive plant monitoring
The transmitter model GDT-20 and GDHT-20 from Wika with their Modbus signal, give a clear indication of the sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) condition of gas-insulated equipment and thus enable maintenance to be planned solely on demand. Based on precise pressure and temperature measurement, the two transmitters constantly calculate the density of the SF6. Thus, even the smallest leaks are identified at an early stage. The model GDHT-20 also measures the gas humidity, so that the formation of corrosive decomposition products can be prevented. If the equipment is filled with SF6 gas mixtures, such as SF6/N2 or SF6/CF4, both instruments can be configured by the customer. By using the standard Modbus RTU protocol, the data of up to 247 instruments can be retrieved from a single master.

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