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Robust vacuum pump for harsh environments

Energy & Environment
Robust vacuum pump for harsh environments

Robust vacuum pump for harsh environments
The CXS pumps from Edwards feature cutting-edge tapered screw technology, have excellent reliability, are simple to install and use, environmentally-friendly and give improved liquid and sol-ids handling. They require minimal maintenance and as a result are economic to run.

CXS pumps provide fast pump down and give ultimate vacuum down to 10-3 mbar which results in optimum performance in a variety of applications such as distillation, drying, evaporation, reactor service, house vacuum, solvent recovery, crystallisation and filtration.
They are robust and reliable even in harsh pumping environments, with the ability to pump up to one litre of liquid per minute continuously and up to 25 l slugs without stopping. The pumps are independently certified for use in hazardous environments to ensure safe pumping of flammable gases. They also pump corrosive gases without corroding.
Hall 8.0, Booth B37
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