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Recalibratable submersible sensor

Energy & Environment
Recalibratable submersible sensor

Recalibratable submersible sensor
With the ED752, Baumer offers a pressure transmitter for all kinds of hydrostatic level and depth measurement. In case of a signal drift, the zero point can be recalibrated. The device is characterised by high accuracy and long-term stability. The ED752’s accuracy is 0.1 % F.S., and its long-term stability is 0.1 % per year. The measuring range can be parameterised, which allows an adaptation to customer-specific surroundings. In its standard version, the ED752 is entirely made of stainless steel, but it is also available in a Hastelloy C version especially suitable for seawater. Furthermore, the ED752 can be delivered in an Atex version for applications in hazardous areas up to zone 0. The transmitter complies with the protection class IP 68.

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