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Quick access into the decanter centrifuge

Energy & Environment
Quick access into the decanter centrifuge

Quick access into the decanter centrifuge
Quick access into the decanter centrifuge

The Flottweg Z3E decanter centrifuge provides an easy-to-open cover for quick access to the main components without lifting equipment. That maintenance-friendliness means downtime is kept to the minimum. Depending on the separation task, customers can choose between super deep and normal pond depth. So the Flottweg Z3E is perfectly tuned to the individual needs.
The industrial centrifuge achieves additional flexibility by using the Simp Drive. This gearbox provides precise regulation of the differential speed in the decanter, tracking every change in product characteristics. With super deep pond, the decanter centrifuge enables processing and dewatering of sludges and pastes. All product-wetted parts are acid- and corrosion-resistant.
Hall A1, Booth 550
www.cpp-net.com search: cpp0216flottweg
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