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Pre-sulfided sour gas shift catalyst

Energy & Environment
Pre-sulfided sour gas shift catalyst

Pre-sulfided sour gas shift catalyst
Pre-sulfided sour gas shift catalyst

Clariant announced the successful start-up and operation of its pre-sulfided Shiftmax 820S sour gas shift (SGS) catalyst at a commercial methanol production facility of Shanghai Huayi Energy Chemical Co. Ltd. Shiftmax 820S employs a proprietary pre-sulfiding process, which offers many advantages for coal-to-chemical producers. The catalyst greatly improves working conditions by avoiding the use of flammable and toxic agents, such as carbon disulfide or dimethyl sulfide, during the commissioning phase. Moreover, it reduces the risk of high temperature excursions and sulfur emissions during plant start-up and production. Shiftmax 820S also optimises processes as it is typically ready for start-up three times faster than conventional catalysts. Besides saving time, the higher activity of Shiftmax 820S reduces syngas and energy requirements, thus allowing more economical, efficient and simplified operations. Shiftmax 820S is part of a catalyst series, which are suitable for all types of coal-to-chemical applications and gasification technologies. The catalyst can be used as a simple drop-in solution without changing any plant equipment.
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