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Microchannel technology wins award

Energy & Environment
Microchannel technology wins award

A combination of a highly active Fischer Tropsch (FT) catalyst and FT microchannel reactor developed by Oxford Catalysts Group was announced as winner of innovation category of the 2010 Chemical Industry Association Awards at an awards ceremony held at St George’s Hall, Liverpool on 24 June 2010. The FT microchannel reactor was chosen for the award from a strong shortlist of six. Derek Atkinson, Business Development Director at Oxford Catalysts accepted the award on behalf of the Group.

The FT microchannel reactor can be adapted for use in small scale biomass to liquids (BTL) and gas to liquids (GTL) processes. It can operate economically when producing just 500 barrels per day of oil equivalent (boe) from a wide variety of carbon-containing wastes while achieving productivities that are orders of magnitude greater than for conventional FT reactors. Potential feedstocks include agricultural, municipal and forestry waste, as well as the associated or stranded gas produced along with oil which would otherwise be disposed of by flaring or reinjection into the reservoir.
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