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Lanxess steps up its water treatment business

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Lanxess steps up its water treatment business

Lanxess steps up its water treatment business
Lanxess AG is building a new chemical plant at its site in Bitterfeld, Germany. This marks the specialty chemicals group’s move into a new segment of the water treatment business. The company is investing a total of around 30 million Euro in this pioneering project. Lanxess plans to develop and produce membrane filtration technology in Bitterfeld.

The new plant is scheduled to be taken into operation for a pilot and development phase towards the end of this year. As things stand today, the first products should be launched on the market in 2011. An area totaling some 4000 m² has been set aside for the creation of high-tech laboratories, logistics areas, offices and a new, state-of-the-art production facility.
The membrane technology is used to filter out unwanted substances from water. The membrane’s chemical composition and structure make it possible to filter out substances such as nitrates, pesticides, herbicides, viruses, bacteria and the smallest particles. As the water passes through the filter, this filter extracts suspended particles and other unwanted substances.
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