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IR flammable gas detector

Energy & Environment
IR flammable gas detector

IR flammable gas detector
Crowcon’s Irex infrared (IR) flammable gas detector is designed to replace pellistor (catalytic bead) type flammable gas detectors, resulting in faster response times and greatly red-uced zero drift. Capable of detecting methane, butane, propane and many other hydrocarbons, Irex is specifically designed for the oil, gas and petrochemical industries. Pellistor and some other IR type gas detectors are fitted with sinters (flame arrestors) to achieve Exd flameproof certification. Sinters slow the res-ponse time significantly and can become blocked by contaminants, a frequently underestimated problem. Using an Irex detector results in a T90 response time of less than seven seconds, comparable with the most expensive conventional IR gas detectors. Excellent zero stability is also achieved, with none of the drift issue asso- ciated with pellistors and cables. Manufactured from 316 stainless steel, Irex has both Atex and IECEx approval and is undergoing assessment for IEC 61508 SIL 2 compliance.

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