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Freudenberg reinforces its oil and gas business

Oacis provides Seals and Customer Service
Freudenberg reinforces its oil and gas business

Freudenberg reinforces its oil and gas business
Claus Möhlenkamp (left), member of the board of management at Freudenberg Dichtungs- und Schwingungs-technik, one of the co-founders of Oacis, and Stephan Kletschke, managing director of Oacis
In order to make the most of the global sealing opportunities in the oil, gas, and chemical industries, Freudenberg has merged sealing activities in these sectors into a new globally oriented sales and service company. Oacis (Oil & Gas And Chemical Industry Seals) was launched as a holding for the group’s global activities in these key areas. The seat of the company is in Weinheim, Germany. OACIS will supply customers with the complete range of elastomer seals, flat gaskets, packings, seals made of high-performance plastics, and special seals. „In the next five years, we want to become the market leader for sealing technology in the oil and gas industry”, says Claus Möhlenkamp, member of the board of management at Freudenberg Dichtungs- und Schwingungstechnik, one of the co-founders of Oacis. The new company will make use of existing resources at Freudenberg and EagleBurgmann to build up the necessary global structures.

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