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Flexible compound diaphragm

Energy & Environment
Flexible compound diaphragm

Flexible compound diaphragm
The Depa E4 compound diaphragm enables valuable advancements in the air operated diaphragm pump industry. A special nopped E4 surface, which refers to a uniform sequence of small mounds radiating in a band located medially within the diaphragm, imparts a level of flexibility to the Depa E4 that is second to none, even when compared to standard rubber diaphragms. Available in four sizes, ranging from ½“ to 2“, the diaphragm combines versatility and functionality. It is constructed as a single unit from a combination of PTFE and EDPM, coming into contact with liquid and air respectively. The outer piston, usually a separate component in standard pumps, is entirely encapsulated. Depa E4 offers four primary benefits for end-users: increased life span, improved safety, increased efficiency, and an ultra clean working mecha-nism. The increased flexibility enables greater flow rates combined with reduced air consumption, resulting in energy savings.

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