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Environmental friendly tank cleaning

Energy & Environment
Environmental friendly tank cleaning

Environmental friendly tank cleaning
By using the Varipure cleaners for tank and vessel cleaning one can reduce its investment expenses and additionally protect the environment. The cleaners need a minimum of cleaning media, as they achieve an optimal cleaning result by means of a strong, mechanical spray pattern. On top, less energy for the heating within the cleaning operation is needed. The flow pumps can also be reduced in their size as well as the neces-sary piping. All these arrangements together lead to less energy consumption as usual. GEA Tuchenhagen offers a programme of different Varipure cleaners – static, rotating and orbital cleaners, just fine tuned for their task. The range can execute tank diameters of up to 27 m, the working pressure varies from 0.5 up to 90 bar, and a flow rate of 0.5 up to 34 m³/h can be accomplished.

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