Iwaki established the series EJ-S/R, a metering pump for simple dosing duties, nevertheless, without any restrictions to the quality, as of durability and simple maintenance. Result is a compact and precise metering pump without stroke length adjustment, controlled by on/off (EJ-S) or no voltage contact (open collector) for EJ-R. A free adjustable stroke speed of 1 to 360 strokes/min allows a wide and exact dosing range up to 4,8 l/min and up to 10 bar depending on the model. The combination of a high stroke frequency and relatively small stroke length offers an optimal distribution of the dosing charges.
With the main materials PVC or PVDF, in combination with alumina ceramic/FKM or Hastelloy/EPDM, an excellent chemical resistance is given and covers most common dosing liquids. In case of degasing liquid, as of sodium hyperclorid, a manual air vent valve is installed on all models.
Hall A6, Booth 413