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Clarity about voltage, current and frequency

Energy & Environment
Clarity about voltage, current and frequency

Clarity about voltage, current and frequency
The first step to improving energy efficiency is being able to measure and evaluate the amount of power actually consumed. Any deviations from normal values can be used to identify the condition of the machine and evaluated through the use of monitoring systems such as the EnMon energy monitoring package included in B&R’s Aprol process control system. The X20AP energy measurement module from B&R is able to do just that: measure voltages, currents, frequencies and reactive components on all phases. Current and voltage measurements up to the 31st harmonic elevate the module to the highest level of precision while its extreme sensitivity and fourth channel make it perfectly suited for measuring leakage currents on the neutral line.

By preprocessing signals and providing measurements together with calculated effective performance values as sets of digital variables, this newest member of the compact B&R X20 family takes some of the load off the CPU. Measurement value curves recorded by the module can help in many ways, such as providing the basis for optimising traverse paths within a machine, in turn contributing to further energy efficiency.
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