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Wide range of filter products

For chemicals and pharmaceuticals
Wide range of filter products

Wide range of filter products
Filter bags from Eaton Source: Eaton

The filtration division of Eaton Technologies is exhibiting numerous new filtration products, including the new Sentinel Maxpo and Duragaf MaxpoXL specialty filter bag ranges, the new simplex and duplex pipeline basket strainers, the new Becon Carbon ACF03 activated-carbon depth filter sheets and the new printing set for the CCS-5 contamination-control system.

The new Becon Carbon ACF 03 grade is available in flat sheet, stacked disc cartridge and disposable capsule designs, which were developed for the growing demand for user-friendly activated carbon sheets tested for endotoxins for pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and fine chemical applications. The activated carbon depth-filter sheets can be used in Beco Integra Plate enclosed plate-and-frame filters, for which the company is launching a new cleaning solution. In addition to the extensive range of new products, Eaton will also be showcasing proven filtration classics from the automatic self-cleaning filters, bag, cartridge and stacked disc cartridge filtration product lines, as well as hydraulic and lubrication oil filters.

Eaton Technologies GmbH

Hall 5.0, Stand C15

Current Whitepaper

New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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