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Versatile vacuum pumps

Convey sensitive gases or vapours
Versatile vacuum pumps

Versatile vacuum pumps
Cobra NC 0100 B vacuum pump improves operational efficiency and safety Picture: Busch Vacuum

The Cobra NC 0100 B dry-screw vacuum pump is designed for conveying sensitive and explosive gases or vapours. Its construction allows safe operation at ultimate pressures of 0.01 mbar without the risk of contamination from operating fluids. Its advanced dry-screw technology, including patented self-balancing screws, achieves high compression efficiency. The flexibility of the Cobra dry-screw vacuum pumps enables an individual configuration that can be perfectly adapted to the demands of different processes. Thanks to their speed control and oil- and contact-free operation, they are particularly environmentally friendly and energy efficient.

Busch Vacuum Solutions

Achema: Hall 8.0, Stand H38

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