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These connectors digitalize transducers

Smart connectors
These connectors digitalize transducers

These connectors digitalize transducers
Individual sensor parameters can also be stored in the Almemo 07 Picture: Ahlborn

Powerful microprocessors have made it possible to create completely self-sufficient digital sensors that function like a measuring device themselves. The intelligence of the digital sensors is located in the connector plug. In addition to increasing the flexibility of a digital sensor, individual sensor parameters, such as linearisation, scaling, attenuation, averaging, measuring rate or longer comments can also be stored in the intelligent Almemo D7 and D6 connectors. It is even possible to digitalise sensors from completely different manufacturers via the intelligent connector and connecting them to Almemo measuring systems.

The digitisation of sensors makes it possible to consider the measuring device and sensor separately during a traceable initial calibration or recalibration. The device itself no longer needs to be taken into account during calibration. Each digital sensor with an Almemo D7 or D6 connector forms a self-contained, calibratable measuring chain. This means that the sensors can be calibrated independently of the measuring system, saving time and money. To avoid possible process downtimes or high installation costs, only one additional sensor is required as a replacement.

Almemo digital technology makes it possible to connect devices from different manufacturers, including scales, centrifuges, particle counters or numerous sensors with analog or digital interfaces and other communication protocols to the Almemo data logger. Once adapted, all data and sensor parameters are automatically detected, immediately visualized and recorded centrally or decentrally simply by plugging the connector into the measuring device. Measuring devices that were previously difficult to implement become highly flexible everyday measuring aids, without the need for programming, parameter changes or software adjustment.

The separation of an electronic conversion of analogue to digital signals from the sensor and the accommodation of the digital technology in the connector opens up a multitude of further metrological advantages. For example, a digital Almemo D7 or D6 connector offers space for 10 measurement and calculation channels.


Achema: Hall 11.1, Stand B64

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