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Thermostats with focus on energy efficiency and natural refrigerants

Thermostats with focus on energy efficiency and natural refrigerants

Thermostats with focus on energy efficiency and natural refrigerants
The Ultratemp thermostat Picture: Lauda

Lauda is introducing two new product lines with a focus on energy efficiency and natural refrigerants. The Lauda Ultratemp is designed for demanding applications in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. With heating and cooling capacities of up to 50 kW, a temperature stability of ±0.5K, and an operating range of -5 to +60 °C, Ultratemp process thermostats meet the highest demands. Their robust, easy-to-clean stainless-steel construction and intuitive operation via buttons and LCD allow efficient and precise use. Conceived for biopharmaceutical applications, they can effectively control large volumes of up to 5000 l.

Also, Lauda is showcasing the new Universa range of devices, which comprises three primary performance classes: Universa ECO, Universa PRO, and Universa MAX. These cover all laboratory and pilot-plant requirements, from cost-effective entry-level units to powerful professional thermostats. Lauda Universa series has a completely modular design. The control heads and baths can be flexibly combined. The range has bath volumes of 4 to 42 l and bath depths of 160 to 320 mm as well as cooling capacities of up to 1.5 kW and heating capacities of up to 3.6 kW, All units in the range use natural refrigerants and frequency-controlled compressors.

Lauda Dr. R. Wobser

Achema: Hall 4.0, Stand C26

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