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Streamline and enhance collaboration

Data centricity and modularization
Streamline and enhance collaboration

The Engineering Base cooperative platform provides a foundation for cooperative engineering — demonstrating how plants and various engineering disciplines can be connected with one another efficiently and work together to optimum effect. As plants, machines and components are becoming more and more autonomous and modular in design, merged plant and process data increasingly improves control, maintenance and production quality. Within Engineering Base, comprehensive change-management functionality creates maximum transparency, minimises errors and enhances the quality of data and documentation.

In particular, Engineering Base paves the way for modular engineering with interdisciplinary typicals and variant management – something that is crucial for hydrogen plants, in particular. Aucotec is aiming to support electrolyser manufacturers in increasing their capacities faster and produce green hydrogen on a large scale. Modularisation and standardisation of plants can significantly reduce the overall engineering effort. Data centricity and modularisation are key for hydrogen plants. Firstly, they shorten the project duration for electrolysers and generate high-quality data for their subsequent operational use. And secondly, they lower the production costs of (green) hydrogen. Aucotec will be presenting this engineering future at ACHEMA’s special Hydrogen show (Hall 6.0, Booth C75).


Achema: Hall 11.0, Stand D51

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