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Second-hand machinery with inspection

Used Equipment
Second-hand machinery with inspection

Comquima Europe is active in the buying and selling of second-hand industrial machinery for the chemical, pharmaceutical and food sectors. Founded with the vision of providing comprehensive solutions for the acquisition and disposal of second-hand industrial machinery, Comquima Europe stands out for its ability to purchase complete manufacturing plants and dismantle them efficiently and safely. Additionally, the company also specializes in the sale of individual lines and equipment, offering clients the flexibility needed to meet their specific needs.

One of the most notable aspects is the focus on the quality and condition of the machinery marketed. Thanks to a rigorous process of inspection and evaluation, the company ensures that each piece of equipment and line it offers meets the highest standards of operation and safety. This has allowed Comquima to establish lasting relationships with manufacturers, distributors, and companies in the sector.

Comquima Europe provides personalized attention and its ability to provide customised solutions for each client. It can advise on the acquisition of specific machinery or manage the dismantling and transport of complete plants.

Comquima Europe

Hall 6.0, Stand B34

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New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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