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Reliable crossflow filter

For chemical and pharmaceutical products
Reliable crossflow filter

Reliable crossflow filter
Dynamic crossflow filter DCF Source: Andritz

Among its Achema offerings, Andritz will be highlighting its Krauss-Maffei dynamic crossflow filter DCF, an established technology for the clarification of liquids and for concentrating and washing of solids for a wide variety of chemical and pharmaceutical products, such as the solid/liquid separation step in the production of diabetes-care products. The technology is highly reliable, because the open filtration area avoids blockages, eliminating the need for manual intervention. The filters work in a way that is completely enclosed and fully automatic – right down to the Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) and Sterilization-In-Place (SIP) features,.

The DCF can be combined with advanced automation and digitalization solutions to optimize efficiency and maximize profit, as shown by the Metris addIQ digital twin. This is a digital replica of the physical process using asset-specific information, such as actual physical dimensions and equipment characteristics, running in parallel with the plant’s operations, continuously calculating key process parameters. One benefit, specific to the digital twin for the DCF, is predicting optimum transmembrane pressure.

Andritz AG

Hall 5.0, Stand B4

Current Whitepaper

New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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