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Reactor engineering

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Reactor engineering

Grignard reagents can be formed continuously in a novel process window constituted by a large excess of magnesium that is activated in-situ. Fraunhofer IMM is showcasing a pilot reactor setup that provides a continuous feed, not only of the liquid, but also of the solid component, rendering the process truly continuous in nature. Through continuous processing quality improvement goes hand in hand with cost savings, as well as an increase in production flexibility.

Also highlighted will be a microreactor engineered for continuous-flow photochemistry. Microstructured flow reactors are ideal for performing photochemical syntheses. Incident light is perfectly utilized with gas and liquid streams and solid phases in microchannels or capillaries. Full irradiation of the reaction solution is combined with precise control over the irradiation time as defined by volume in the channels and capillaries and flow rate. Microreaction technology and photochemical synthesis are most fruitful partners for the sustainable production of high value fine chemicals.

Fraunhofer IMM

Achema: Hall 9.0, Stand E64

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