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Pumps for challenging fluids

High-tech fluid management
Pumps for challenging fluids

Varisco J and ST-R self-priming centrifugal pumps are used in applications requiring a fast priming capacity from demanding suction heights combined with the ability to transfer and manage polluted, waste and abrasive fluids with suspended solids. The pump range can achieve flowrates up to 1200 m3/h, and solids handling up to 76 mm. Standard construction materials are cast iron, hardened cast iron and stainless steel.

The company is also showcasing the V and Saxmag V positive displacement internal gear pumps, which are used in applications where the management of clean fluids with high viscosities is required. They are used in all industrial applications where a delicate treatment of the pumped product is required. They’re used in all industrial applications where a delicate treatment of the pumped product is required, preventing chemical-physical alterations as specialty chemical applications, soap and surfactants, food & beverage manufacturing processes. V range pumps can handle flowrates up to 240 m3/h, with media viscosities ranging from 20 to 100,000 mm2/s. Standard construction materials include cast iron, treated cast iron, carbon steel and stainless steel.


Hall 8.0, Stand H12

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