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Process solutions for solidification

Solids casting
Process solutions for solidification

Process solutions for solidification
KD1668 casting machine Picture:Ipco

Ipco flagship chemical solidification system Rotoform has more than 2500 lines installed worldwide. Solutions are available for sulfur, hot melts, resins, waxes, fat chemicals, bitumen, tar pitch and many others.

Rotoform systems are available for applications such as abrasive and sedimenting materials (for example, catalysts and suspensions); melts requiring a high feed temperature (such as bitumen and plastic resins); subcooling melts (for example, antioxidants for the tire industry); and pharmaceuticals requiring GMP compliance.

Ipco has developed a continuous film casting system incorporating an innovative Venturi drying module for the production of very thin films to fine tolerances. A slot die applies the liquid product directly onto a polished stainless-steel belt, which then passes through controlled drying segments where the solvent in the liquid is evaporated.

In addition to dry film casting to 10 to 300 μm, the process can also be used to produce high-quality microporous membranes. Applications include the production of separator membranes and ceramic tapes used in Li-ion batteries, fuel cells and solid-state batteries.


Hall 4.0, Stand 24

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