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Portable protection device for dust

Personal protection equipment
Portable protection device for dust

Portable protection device for dust
Clip-on device alerts workers of dangerous levels of dust Picture:Latai

Latai developed the Dustlight (photo) portable device that monitors respirable dust for workers working in industrial settings. Until now, existing limits to protect employees from respirable dust could not be effectively monitored, because existing measurement methods are time-consuming, do not provide real-time data and require specially trained measurement engineers.

Dustlight solves this problem by introducing a new device category of personal protective equipment (PPE). Using the proven traffic light principle, Dustlight informs every user in real-time and in a language-neutral manner whether dangerous levels of invisible fine dust are present in the air.

In the event of an elevated respirable dust level, Dustlight‘s light changes to yellow and urges caution. If the applicable limit value is exceeded, Dustlight lights up red and alerts the user, who can then take appropriate protective measures such as ventilating, turning on extraction systems, or wearing a suitable mask. Operating the device is extremely simple: it is switched on, and work can begin.


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