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Next-generation luminaire

Industrial lighting
Next-generation luminaire

Next-generation luminaire
This high-bay luminaire shines in hazardous areas Picture: Zalux

The Zalux high-bay luminaires OREx G2 comprises ATEX and IECEx certifications. Building on the success of its predecessor, the OREx G2 offers several key enhancements that cater to the evolving needs of industrial environments. One of the most notable improvements is the refined appearance, with a more compact and uniform size across both models. The diameter has been standardized to 380 mm.

The OREx G2 is available in two models to accommodate various hazardous area classifications. The OREx1 G2 is designed for Ex zones 1, 21, and 2, 22, featuring enhanced safety features and options for high temperature and flameproof environments. Meanwhile, the OREx2 G2 is tailored for Ex zone 2, 22 applications, providing versatility and efficiency in less hazardous environments.

In terms of performance, the OREx G2 offers an expanded range of light package options, with the Zone 2 version (OREx2 G2) delivering an impressive 41,850 lumens. Additionally, the Zone 1 version (OREx1 G2) achieves superior efficiency of up to 160 lumens/W, resulting in significant energy savings for users. The OREx G2 can operate in temperatures from –32 to 75 °C.


Hall 11.0, Stand B52

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