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Monitoring and controlling particulate matter

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Monitoring and controlling particulate matter

Monitoring and controlling particulate matter
This PM1 Pro is mounted to a pipe Picture: Auburn FilterSense

Auburn FilterSense‘s PM CEMs, particulate monitors, and filter-control products are designed to meet international environmental compliance regulations. Alongside the company’s Insight web-based software aimed at optimising plant operations, these offerings come with a myriad of benefits, including: reduced emissions and improved environmental compliance; enhanced operational baghouse efficiency; decreased operational costs; improved preventative maintenance; and substantial reductions in energy usage.

One example of the products being is the PM 1 Pro, which continuously and accurately measures low-level (1.0 mg/m3 or less) particulate matter in stacks, ducts, pipes and for filter leak detection. The device is based on the company’s DynaCharge operating principle. As particles flow over the sensor probe, a charge is induced, creating small currents in the picoamp range. This signal is processed into an output that is proportional to the mass.

The PM 1 PRO is suitable for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) compliance and meets requirements for EPA MACT, NESHAP, Title V/CAM, as well as corresponding international regulations (TÜV, MCERTS, and so on).

Auburn FilterSense

Achema: Hall 11.1, Stand F74

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