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Monitoring air quality

Trace gas analyzers
Monitoring air quality

Horiba Europe is launching its AP-380 series of analysers, catering to diverse air-quality monitoring needs. The AP-380 series offers a comprehensive lineup of five models, each tailored to address specific trace-gas-monitoring requirements. These models include APMA-380 for CO, APSA-380 for SO2, APOA-380 for O3, APNA-380 for NOx, and APHA-380 (photo) for hydrocarbons trace-gas monitoring.

Newly developed upon the foundation of the company’s core technology for trace-gas analysis the AP-380 series embodies software optimisation and modular design, which allows for flexible combination of modules within one analyser, promoting usability, reduced size, and eco-friendliness.

While the previous AP-370 series was primarily utilised for air-pollution monitoring in the regulatory market, with the main users being local authorities, air quality networks, and private companies adhering to local environment regulations, the newly released AP-380 series expands its scope to serve a broader range of industries. It now caters to the low-concentration gas measurements required in various industrial processes, impurity monitoring for quality assurance of industrial gases, gas leakage monitoring within equipment by incorporating an inside analyser module, trace gas monitoring for O3 in water-treatment plants, working environment air-quality monitoring and more. The modular design further enables local customisation to meet customer needs and quick onsite module replacement, facilitating rapid response to troubleshooting and uninterrupted 24/7 measurement capacities.

One of the features of the AP-380 series is remote operation from various devices, such as PCs, smartphones and tablets. This advanced function significantly reduces the number of site visits, lowers operational costs, minimises environmental impact from transportation emissions, and improves working conditions for personnel.

Horiba Europe

Achema: Hall 11.1, Stand E46

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