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Metal cloth filter increases flowrates

Alternative to conventional filter cloth
Metal cloth filter increases flowrates

Metal cloth filter increases flowrates
Minimesh RPD HiFlo-S Picture: Haver & Boecker

The metal filter Minimesh RPD HiFlo-S, developed by Haver & Boecker, offers an alternative to conventional filter cloth when traditional media reaches its limits for flow-through rates. The three-dimensional, high-performance Minimesh RPD HiFlo-S exhibits more open surface over a given area due to the weaving structure. The medium‘s flow-through rate can be doubled when compared to conventional filter cloth having the same pore size, for example the Minimesh DTW-S, Haver & Boecker says. In addition, the flow conditions are optimized and turbulence around the filter cloth is effectively avoided, the company adds. The pore size within a batch can be calibrated as desired from 5 to 40 µm. 

The new filter cloth can be manufactured from standard diameter wires. Therefore, it is possible to weave special materials, such as Avesta, Hastelloy, Inconel or titanium, in the small pore size range, which previously had not been possible. The RPD HiFlo-S offers a corrosion- and temperature-resistant filter cloth with pore sizes below 40 µm.

Haver & Boecker

Achema: Hall 5.0, Stand B86

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New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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